Hello, everyone!
Welcome, fellow explorers! Today, we embark on a journey into the heart of organizations, where we’ll unravel the intricate dance between ‘dreamers’ and ‘doers.’ Our quest is not merely academic; we seek actionable wisdom to apply in our own realms.
The Dreamer-Doer Dynamic
In the heart of every successful organization, there lies a vibrant diversity. This diversity is not confined to the traditional parameters of demographics, but it extends to the very essence of how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. It is a diversity of thought, of approach, and of work styles. This rich tapestry of diversity is beautifully epitomized in the existence of two distinct types of individuals. On one end of the spectrum, we have the ‘zero-to-one’ humans, the dreamers. These are the visionaries, the pioneers who dare to imagine what has not yet been conceived. On the other end, we find their ‘one-to-n’ counterparts, the doers. These are the pragmatists, the builders who take the dreamers’ visions and transform them into tangible realities.
Who are the Dreamers?
Let’s take a moment to talk about the dreamers. Who are they, you ask? Well, imagine someone who can look at the world and see not just what is, but what could be. These are the visionaries, the ones who dare to dream of things that don’t yet exist. They’re the founders, the inventors, the ones who thrive in the face of ambiguity and aren’t afraid to seek out-of-the-box solutions. They’re the ones who look at a problem and see not a roadblock, but a challenge to be overcome. But it’s not always smooth sailing for these dreamers. Their unique approach to reality, while exciting, can sometimes create tension in environments that are more traditionally structured. But don’t worry, we’ll get to that later.
And the Doers?
Doers, on the other hand, are the builders. They transform visions into tangible successes. They are the glue of the organization, maintaining its stability and ensuring long-term success. While they might not always grasp the dreamers’ vision initially, their role in realizing these dreams is indispensable.
Bridging the Gap
The real magic happens when these two groups come together. But how do we bridgethis gap effectively?
Buy-in Through Incentivization
A key strategy is aligning interests through incentives. For instance, in the case of Lola, a feminine health reproductive company, the founders realized the need to expand beyond a single product. To achieve this, they had to integrate doers with retail experience into their dreamer-heavy team. The solution? Tying their compensation to the company’s overall performance, ensuring a vested interest in each other’s success.
Creating a Corporate Mosh Pit
It’s also about creating spaces where dreamers and doers can coexist and collaborate effectively. This ‘corporate mosh pit’ acknowledges and utilizes the strengths of both. At Marriott, for example, the dreamer team working on future experiences collaborates closely with doers, like franchisees and frontline staff, to prototype and refine new concepts.
Building Speed Bumps, Not Roadblocks
It’s crucial to implement processes that guide, not hinder. While dreamers might chafe at too many restrictions, a complete lack of structure can alienate doers. The key is to create ‘speed bumps’ - processes that provide enough structure to maintain alignment without stifling innovation.
Celebrating All Wins
Finally, it’s essential to celebrate the achievements of both dreamers and doers. Every success, whether from a dreamer’s innovation or a doer’s execution, is a win for the organization and should be recognized as such.
The synergy between dreamers and doers is not just beneficial but necessary for the growth and innovation of any organization. By understanding and valuing the contributions of both, creating environments for effective collaboration, and aligning incentives, we can harness the full potential of our teams.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope it inspires you to look at your team dynamics differently and find new ways to innovate and succeed together!

About Sharad Jain
Sharad Jain is an AI Engineer and Data Scientist specializing in enterprise-scale generative AI and NLP. Currently leading AI initiatives at Autoscreen.ai, he has developed ACRUE frameworks and optimized LLM performance at scale. Previously at Meta, Autodesk, and WithJoy.com, he brings extensive experience in machine learning, data analytics, and building scalable AI systems. He holds an MS in Business Analytics from UC Davis.